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Dramatic Art students performing

Dramatic Art

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Dramatic Art @ UWin

Program Highlights & Admission Requirements

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Develop your creativity in our drama program where you’ll train for a career in the theatre. Choose a concentration in performance, history and theory, design/technical theatre, or a combination of two or all three. Students get hands-on training behind the scenes in community theatre productions. Students love this program so much that many go on to graduate school for further learning and specialization. 

Sample Courses: Introduction to Theatre and Performance Studies, Introductory Acting, Drawing for the Theatre, Rendering for the Theatre, Stage Management, Directing, Improvisation and Self-Development

Career Tracks: Artistic producer; theatre performer; stage manager; costume, set, or lighting designer; theatre for social action practitioner

Admission requirements for Applicants in Canada

Course Requirements: English/ENG4U
Minimum Average: 70%
Minimum Average (Co-op): 80%; 70% minimum in English
Mean Average: 83%

* Average over six Grade 12 academic courses.

Learn more about Course Equivalencies

Join one of Canada’s most unique undergraduate programs involving drama. It’s perfect for students who are interested in performance and teaching with aspirations to use drama as a vehicle to empower others. With a focus on practical learning, you will develop presentations, performances and workshops around pressing social issues. Work in schools, art galleries, museums, hospitals, senior citizen residences and multicultural organizations. You can follow this up with our consecutive education degree program and become qualified to teach at any grade level or pursue graduate studies in a complimentary discipline.

Sample Courses: Introduction to Theatre and Performance Studies, Introduction to Drama in Education and Community, Introductory Acting, Improvisation and Self-Development, Drama in the Classroom, Theatre for Social Action

Career Tracks: Theatre for young audiences performer or coordinator, teacher, child and youth counsellor, arts practitioner, stage manager

Admission requirements for Applicants in Canada

Course Requirements: English/ENG4U
Minimum Average: 70%
Minimum Average (Co-op): 80%; 70% minimum in English
Mean Average: 83%

* Average over six Grade 12 academic courses.

Learn more about Course Equivalencies

This double major is perfect for students who are interested in a career in both theatre and film. It is flexible so you can pick courses that interest you and prepare you for a career behind the camera or backstage. You could study set and costume design, video, film, theatre productions, theatre history, performance, or any combination, and more. The courses you take in CMF will ground you in the critical perspectives on media industries and their cultural, political and economic impact on our society. The Dramatic Art courses allow you to experience all aspects of production and gain a solid background in performance.

Sample Courses: Introduction to Media Design and Production, Stage Management, Directing the Screen Performance, Acting, Set Design, Television Performance, Nature of Theatre

Career Tracks: Producer/director, set designer, advertising manager, theatre manager, production specialist

Admission requirements for Applicants in Canada

Course Requirements: ENG4U required.
Minimum Average: 70%*

* Average over six Grade 12 academic courses.

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The classroom will be your stage with this intensive program that will make you eligible to teach drama in grades 7 to 12. This concurrent program is hands-on, giving you opportunities to practice drama as a vehicle for learning and teaching. Put the theory you’ve learned into practice through field experience.

Sample Courses: Teaching and Learning, Educational Psychology, Assessment and Evaluation, Introduction to Theatre and Performance Studies, Introductory Acting, Drama in the Classroom, Improvisation and Self Development, Theatre for Social Action

Career Tracks: Secondary teacher, principal, special education teacher, learning strategist, academic administrator, theatre performer, program developer, educational assistant, arts administrator

Professional Designation Possible: OCT (Ontario College of Teachers)

Admission requirements for Applicants in Canada

Course Requirements: English/ENG4U
Minimum Average: 75%
Mean Average: 85%
Note: Admission to first year only

* Average over six Grade 12 academic courses.

Learn more about Course Equivalencies
  • Co-op Co-op Available
  • G General 3-year program
  • H Honours 4-year program
  • T Thesis Available
  • C Combined Honours programs available
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Corey Palmer

"My experience at the University of Windsor helped to build a diverse set of skills, including adaptability, organization, and communication, that have helped me in my career. It provided me with the professional experience required to be able to begin my career in theatre management right out of University. The level of care and support provided by the faculty and staff at UWindsor allowed me to feel confident in taking risks and to be open to taking new paths. Windsor is really a hidden gem in drama and theatre education in Ontario."

Corey Palmer
BA in Drama in Education and Community, BEd in Education

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Monologue Workshops:

  • Windsor: December 2nd & 3rd
  • Toronto: December 9th & 10th

2024 Audition Dates:

  • Toronto: April 20th and 21th
  • Windsor: April 27th and 28th


What Will I Learn?

  • Expressing oneself confidently, assertively, and purposefully in front of an audience using both verbal and nonverbal communication techniques
  • Speaking persuasively and articulately to convey a variety of goals and on occasion desired reactions from audience members
  • Collaborating in the production of knowledge within the studio and classroom in a participatory, active process of exchange which links both theory and practice

  • Articulating the interrelationship between the various disciplines of theatre production (performance, direction, creation, management, and design)
  • Becoming a full theatre practitioner, versed in practical elements of theatre production, as well as the ways of applying theatre and performance studies to life and work, supporting personal goals, contributing to the field, and benefitting the community during the program and after graduation
  • Applying the basic skills and theoretical practices involved in design for the theatre
  • Applying principles and elements of design to create effective solutions to design challenges


Number of Graduates (2020)



*Two Years after Graduation (OUGS Fine and Applied Arts, 2020)

Explore your opportunities

  • Artistic director
  • Artistic producer
  • Broadcaster
  • Comedian
  • Drama practitioner
  • Film critic
  • Lawyer
  • Lighting designer
  • Playwright
  • Professor
  • Project manager
  • Public relations officer
  • Set designer
  • Social justice practitioner
  • Sound technician
  • Stage manager
  • Teacher
  • Theatre for young audiences
  • Theatre manager
  • Theatre performer

High-Impact Practices (HIP)

A HIP is an enriching educational experience that can be life-changing and often includes learning outside of the classroom while encouraging meaningful interaction and collaboration.

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